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企业简介 Company profile

bti体育(简称:普泰环保 ;股票代码:839410)建设于2008年8月,坐落于西安市..开发区,于2016年11月乐成挂牌新三板,实现与资源市场的直接对接,以情形 ;のな姑,本着“益国兴企、维本清源”的宗旨,致力于成为专业的生态情形综合效劳商。


以“产-学-研”政策为指导,普泰环保与中科院生态情形研究中心签署主要相助协议,以国 家“973项目”科技效果转化为纽带建设了亲近的相助关系 ;与西安修建科技大学签署主要相助协议,配合设立研发中心开展水情形营业领域的细密相助。“产-学-研”相助关系的建设,为公司的一连生长提供了强盛的助力,增强了公司的竞争力。

以使命为继续,普泰环保一连致力于情形 ;,造福人类,效劳人类运气配合体,为改善人类生涯情形孝顺实力。

xi'an yiwei putai environmental protection co., LTD. Stock code :839410) was established in Auqust 2008, is located in xi 'an high-tech development zone, was successfully listed on the new third board in November 2016, to achieve direct docking with the capital market, to environmental protection as the development mission, in line with the purpose of viguiguo xingi weiben qingyuan, is committed to become a professional ecological environment comprehensive service provider.

Pute environmental protection as a high and new technology enterprise with technology as the guide, set up research and development in xi "an established production base, covering an area of more than 30000 square meters, water treatment products, continuous innovation to develop new set of water treatment agent and equipment research and development design production sales consultation at an organic whole, through the specialized technology to provide clients with the overall water treatment solution, existing products has covered the tap water in rural drinking water in ities and towns sewage effluent discharges of industrial wastewater recycled water, etc

Guided by the policy of industr-uiverst-rsear, uai iromnal prtoin gind i imonot portian roewe i the eloica vironment research center of the Chinese academy of sciences, and established a close cooperative relationship by transforming the scientific and technolgical achievements of the national 173 projict into a bond. sigend an iporan coopratin grent wit i an uivrisy to acicer an industogy, and jointly set u a research and development center to carry out close coperationin th filed of wate nvioment busines. The estalishment of competitivenersity-research cooprelationship has provided a strong impetus for thethe company and With its mission as its core, putai envion mental protection is com mitted to envionmental protection, benefting mankind, serving the community with a Shared future for mankind and contributing to the impvement of the linge eirimnentf fr akind.

BTI体育相助网站- bti体育入口




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  • 地点地点:西安市高新区丈八五路高科尚都.摩卡大厦1幢33层
  • 热线电话热线电话:029-88712186
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